Pengalaman written test dan interview di PwC Indonesia | 2019

Hai semua nya hari ini gue mau cerita tentang pengalaman written test dan interview untuk fresh graduates di PwC Indonesia untuk jurusan dengan background science atau engineering nih 😀

Gimana caranya daftar?

Jadi pada awalnya gue emang lagi browsing website PwC Indonesia dan tujuan gue emang mau nyari kerja sebagai fresh graduate yang baru lulus. Dan gue memang lebih mengejar consultancy firm dibandingkan engineering firm. Saat itu kebetulan sekali terbuka lowongan untuk freshgraduates dengan job description ‘Research Analyst’ dan akan masuk ke divisi Internal Firm Services dan bakal menjenjang karir di Knowledge Management. Karna requirement yang mereka perlukan pas banget sesuai background gue, jadi gue mencoba apply dengan harapan semoga gue lolos cv screening.

Gak ada seminggu setelah gue daftar di careers website PwC Indonesia, kayak cuman ada jarak 2 hari gitu gue langsung di email invitation untuk dating ke written test nya. Seneng banget! Baru pertama kali ini gue lolos cv screening di consultancy firm karna most of the time mereka tuh lebih nyari accountants dan science major lain nya (bukan engineering, hehe) yaa emang sih engineering role nya agak lompat kalo mau ke Big Four firms. Saat gue terima email itu, gue masih ada seminggu untuk persiapan test nya dan langsung deh gue baca di blog manapun yang pengalaman orang pernah written test di PwC ini. Jadi test gue itu jam 1 siang sampe jam 3 siang dan disaat jam 10 pagi, tiba2 gue langsung di kabarin buat interview sama user dong! Gimana gak kaget, gue belom prepare sama sekali, tapi mau gak mau yah ajar aja deh, kesempatan gak datang sekali hehehe. Oke jadi langsung aja skip ke written test day nya ya.

Written Test

Sesuai dari blog-blog yang gue baca ternyata emang betul written test nya di PwC itu terdiri dari 3: English Test, Logic Test dan Technical Test. Nah technical test ini hanya untuk divisi-divisi seperti assurance misalnya jadi kalo kalian daftar di IFS/Consultancy bakal cuman ada English dan Logic test.

English Test

English test nya disini menurut gue lumayan gampang, dikasih waktu 45 menit untuk menyelesaikan test ini dan ini terdiri dari grammar, reading dan vocabulary. Untuk reading passage nya sih menurut gue ini kayak TOEFL lebih ke business reading jadi kalo mau latihan mungkin bias sering-sering baca English news di google. Untuk vocabulary dan grammar juga lebih ke business vocab dan grammar, jadi biasain aja untuk sering-sering baca berita hehe. Disini test aku lancar banget sih, bias nyelesein tepat waktu tanpa kendala.

Logic Test

Nah ini yang bener-bener harus gue prepare test nya jadi gue harus banyak-banyak latihan TPA, kalian bisa cari model soal TPA di gramedia banyak banget kok bukunya and it’s very helpful for me. Logic test ini dibagi jadi 4 subtest, dan tiap subtest dikasih waktu nya masing-masing. Jadi tiap subtest kita semua harus nyelesein bareng-bareng, gak boleh langsung lanjut ke subtest 2. Untuk logic test ini tipe2 soalnya adalah: analogi kata, pattern, silogisme, sequence, dll. Tingkat kesusahan nya ini sih sebenernya antara susah dan gampang, kalo kalian banyak latihan mungkin akan mudah mengerjakan nya tapi untuk gue sendiri testnya easy to medium level hahaha karna ada beberapa soal apalagi number sequence yang bener2 gak gue siapin.

Test selesai! Gue udah deg-deg an banget, liat jam 3.15 sore dan interview gue itu 3.30 sore, untuk peserta yang gak ikut technical test saat test logic udah selesai, kita di persilahkan untuk pulang saat itu. Dan gue karna harus interview gue tanya ke salah satu employee nya, “mba saya ada interview untuk IFS division.” Lalu dijawab, “Oh kamu yang interview ya, kayaknya di postpone deh, recruiter nya ini **** kan?”, gue bales “iya, oh berarti ditunda ya?” “Iya, kemungkinan interview nya besok, tunggu di email sama recruiter kamu ya.” Huff gue antara lega sama kecewa jadi satu hahaha, lega karna gue masih ada satu hari buat siapain semua interview nya ini, tapi kecewa karna kenapa gak langsung jadi satu hari aja jadi gue bias beres semuanya lol. Cuman gue lebih bersyukur karna gue dikasih sehari buat siapin sih, gue bisa bener-bener prepare supaya di interview nya gue bisa percaya diri.

Beberapa jam setelah gue test dan udah sampai dirumah, barulah gue dapet email dari recruiter gue kalo interview nya di reschedule jadi hari besoknya dan akan ada dua user yang meng-interview gue dan mereka ini dua-duanya adalah manager di divisi yang gue apply. Oke siap, at least I have time to prepare. Now let’s move on to the next step, interview session with user!

Interview Session with User

Sebenernya disaat gue baca blog orang tentang pengalaman mereka sudah di tahap interview, banyak mixed experience, ada yang pake Bahasa Inggris, ada yang pake Bahasa Indonesia dan setelah gue tanya temen gue yang kerja disana dia dulu interview pake Bahasa Indonesia, tapi tergantung juga sama user nya kalo pengen English ya pasti interview nya English, oke deh jadi gue siapin aja dua2nya, dan jujur lebih prefer English karna kalo Bahasa jadi lebih kaku gitu menurut gue haha. Nah disaat hari H interview nya, gue udah dating di lobby WTC3 satu jam sebelum interview! Tips nih buat kalian yang mau interview, lebih baik selalu dateng lebih awal supaya kalian bisa lebih siap trus juga kalo kesasar kan bisa tanya2 dulu Gedung mana tempatnya. Interview gue jam 14.00 dan gue udah ada disana dari jam 1. Gue masih bisa baca-baca preparation yang udah gue bikin supaya gue makin pede, makin deket sama interview gue makin deg-degan, dan gue pun dibawa ke lantai 43 untuk interview.

Disini pertanyaan nya lebih bedah CV/Resume kalian banget kalo sama user, jadi apa yang lo tulis di cv lo itu bener-bener bakal ditanya hehehe jadi jangan sampe kalian bikin CV kalian asal-asalan ataupun nge bohong demi keliatan bagus yaa! Kan bisa berabe kalo kalian gak bisa jawab pertanyaan mereka. Awal mula interview ya dateng itu baru satu user aja (harusnya ada dua) dan pas nge cek CV gue sih ngomongnya pake bahasa indo gitu, nah pas baru mau mulai user ke-2 dateng tiba-tiba langsung berubah jadi English kayak ‘okay my name is **** please introduce yourself.” Dalam pikiran gue adalah, ‘jadi ini English ya? OKE SIAP!!!.’ Disini sebenernya bener-bener diuji sih English speaking nya kalian, yang penting lancar aja kok, terbata-bata dikit gakpapa kalo bingung vocab nya yg penting kalian harus PERCAYA DIRI buat speaking in English. Nah interview question nya kayak apa aja? Selain cv kalian dibedah, saat itu gue ditanya lebih ke masa-masa kuliah, subject apa aja yang gue suka, trus prestasi atau certificate apa aja yang gue punya, intinya ngebahas hidup gue semasa kuliah jadi lebih ke sisi akademis nya sih ya. Untuk typical interview question nya adalah:

  • What do you know about PwC?
  • Tell me about yourself
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Are you okay with working overtime?
  • Do you have any question for us? (PLEASE SIAPIN BANGET INI)
  • etc

Sebenernya waktu alokasi untuk interview gue itu hanya 30 menit ternyata seiring nya waktu gak kerasa banget udah 45 menit loh! Asli, gak kerasa karna mungkin gue bener-bener udah all out banget buat interview ini. Dan disaat udah mau selesai, gue disuruh kasih closing statement of ‘why should we hire you?’ disini taktik kalian nge jawab bener-bener harus ngejual diri kenapa lo itu harus di hire sama company ini. Lalu gue dikasih info sama user bakal ada pengumuman dalam waktu seminggu kalo gak ada kabar juga bisa langsung reach out ke recruiter gue, dan kalo gue lolos gue bakal lanjut interview ke tahap terakhir yaitu PARTNER OR DIRECTOR! Gue super shock karna gue kira user ini tahap terakhir, eh ternyata dari pengalaman orang-orang biasanya mereka ada campuran user dan partner (manager and director) dalam satu interview makanya gak perlu 2x interview lagi. Oke gakpapa, asalkan gue lolos user interview, gue bakal berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk lolos partner interview ini. Doain aja ya guys, AMIN 😉

Krabi Sunset Tour: Island Hopping / Jalan2 di Krabi

Hello guys! Masih lanjut sama blog post aku yang jalan-jalan di Bangkok ini, di hari ke-4 aku pergi ke Krabi karna tujuan kita mau ke Phi Phi island. Karna pesawat aku nyampe nya sore jadi kita gak ada waktu buat explore atau jalan-jalan pakai kapal pas hari itu, cuman bisa makan malem dan ke Night Market nya. Nah aku stay di daerah Ao-Nang, which is daerah pantai nya Krabi dan kalo mau ke PhiPhi emang harus dari daerah sini gaes.

Pas di hari ke-2 dimana kita mau ke PhiPhi island eh malah ujan deres bangeeeet! Sempet bete banget karena tour kita ke Phiphi di batalin jadi uang nya di balikin deh. Entah kenapa mungkin pemilhan tanggal aku pergi kesitu pas lagi gak pas banget, hampir seharian hujan dan awan nya gloomy gitu. Akhirnya sekitar jam 9an gitu kita balik ke hotel lagi buat balik istirahat dan gak tau mau ngapain, dan aku ngerasa “masa iya udah disini cuman stay di hotel aja?” akhirnya pas hujan reda sekitar waktu makan siang aku cari tour gitu dipinggir jalan buat opsi lain selain pergi ke PhiPhi karna besok aku udah balik ke KL lagi. Ternyata ada yang namanya “SUNSET TOUR” jadi ini jalan-jalan disekitar Krabi dan diantara national park nya Phi-Phi. Bakal ada 7 island yang kita kunjungi dan harga awalnya itu THB1200 untuk longtail boat tapi aku tawar jadi THB1000 udah termasuk national park fee hehe, jadi harus jago nawar juga lho ya! Menurut ku harga nya bisa ditawar jauh lebih murah daripada ini, tapi karna aku udah pengen banget jalan-jalan jadi segini aja aku terima haha.

Sekitar pukul jam 2 siang kita dijemput dan dianter ke pelabuhan nya, di paket ini kita bisa dapet alat snorkle, lifejacket, buah-buahan, air minum sama makan malem lho! Jadi ini paket udah all-in buat kalian yang nasib nya sama kayak aku tiba-tiba ke cancel tour ke phiphi nya bisa opsi untuk ini 🙂 Nah pulau-pulau yang di kunjungi itu adalah…..

1. Koh Tup

Jadi ini adalah persinggahan pertama di sunset tour kita, nah ini pulau cukup kecil karna cuman dikelilingi oleh pasir dan bisa kita kelilingi dgn jalan kaki aja. Disini kita dikasih waktu sekitar 40 menit buat main air, foto-foto dan santai-santai aja gitu.  Karna suasana nya masih abis ujan, jadi pemandangan awan nya agak gloomy but i think kalau gak mendung pasti jauh lebih bagus bgt!

Dari pelabuhan kita naik longtail boat buat sunset tour.
Foto-foto dulu di Koh Tup 🙂

2. Chicken Island

Sesuai dengan namanya “CHICKEN ISLAND” ini adalah pulau yang berbentuk kepala ayam, maka dari itu pulau nya langsung di berikan nama tersebut. Penasaran kayak gimana? Coba deh liat foto dibawah ini, diliat-liat bentuk batuan di pulau nya mirip kepala ayam kan yah? Hahaha..

Chicken Island!
Koh Tup tuh kayak begini..


3. Poda Island + Snorkeling time

Next spot adalah snorkling, tapi karna gak tau pulau nya apa jadi aku masukin aja disini, kita ada 3x spot snorkeling, 2x pas masih terang trus satunya lagi pas malem-malem buat liat plankton. Setelah snorkeling sekali, kita menepi ke Poda Island, disini ada satu feature pulau yang menarik yaitu batuan tinggi ditengah-tengah pantai berdiri dengan tegak. Menurut aku pulau nya ini cukup luas dan bisa dijadiin spot buat tanning kalo pas lagi cerah berawan. Kalian bisa numpang ke toilet juga soalnya disini disedian toilet umum dan ada warung kecil gitu kalo misalnya kelaperan ato kehausan, tapi harga nya agak lebih mahal daripada minimarket di Krabi yang jelas lho ya..

Nih batuan di tengah2 pantai nya..
Salah satu spot snorkeling
Poda Island.

3. Railay Beach

Last but not least adalah Railay Beach. Ini salah satu pantai paling gede di Krabi, salah satu sunset point paling bagus dan cuman bisa didatengin pake perahu gengs! Soalnya ada tebing gede yang membelah daerah ini sama daerah Krabi/Ao nang jadi gak mungkin dilewatin melalui daratan. Di daerah Railay ini kalian bisa rock climbing, trus canoeing atau bahkan yang mau stay semalem disini juga bisa lho, disini ada satu resort jadi kalo mau tempat yang less crowded bisa kesini kok. Bibir pantai nya cukup luas, dan yang aku suka dari Railay Beach ini adalah limestone cliff / caves yang menjulang tinggi, super takjub pas liat ini. Di jadwal tour ini kita stay di Railay untuk dinner yang udah disediain sama pihak kapal nya, kita dikasih tom yum, chicken skewer sama sayuran dan air putih. Seharusnya sih kita bisa nonton sunset sambil makan tapi karna masih mendung jadi kita cuman bisa menikmati suara deburan air ombak aja disitu 🙂

bisa kalian di belakang itu limestone cliff / cave nya gede banget kan ya..




Setelah makan malem di Railay beach, kita langsung pergi ke spot snorkeling terakhir dan itu udah gelap loh gengs, disini kita mau ngeliat plankton yang bisa nyala! Sayangnya gak ada fotonya karna susah juga, tapi yang jelas kalo diliat jauh itu seakan-akan didalem laut / ombak nya ada cahaya gitu. Keren banget pokoknya!

Sekian dulu blog aku tentang jalan-jalan di Krabi edisi Sunset Tour ini, next aku bakal ceritain pilihan impulsive aku dan pacarku untuk ke PhiPhi island di hari kita seharusnya pulang balik ke KL 🙂 hahaha, see you soon!



Laneway Festival, Singapore 2016 (Pt.2 with CHVRCHES, THE 1975 & More)

Just exactly one day before the festival, @lanewayfestsg tweeted to me that I won the meet and greet with CHVRCHES. The funny thing was that I found out about it when I was in airport just waiting for boarding so I was literally freaking out and probably people saw me and thought ‘what is wrong this gurl’ hahaha. I’m so happy like really happy I didn’t expect that I would win because I know  there are so many entries about people who also wants to meet and greet with CHVRCHES. I put my entry like two weeks before the d-day. They sent to my email that the MnG will be at 7pm and I can bring one friend to the MnG so I decided to asked one of my friends (who I met up via twitter). The good thing about Laneway fest is that they have MnG session which was really good. Three of us (there are 5 of us) were waiting in line for THE 1975 MnG but just minutes before they supposed to have the session sadly they cancelled and there were already fans waiting in line like in a long line just for this meet n greet including my friends and I. One of the good thing and a bad thing about winning MnG with CHVRCHES was that the time for MnG clashed with THE 1975 performs and I was so sad but excited at the same time because I will miss few songs when THE 1975 performed but I will get to see CHVRCHES in person, how amazing is that. I will talk about this more for each band I watched at Laneway and I will put my videos of CHVRCHES, THE 1975 and Beach House (sorry if it’s a bit shaky).
East India Youth
He was actually really good but I couldn’t stay long because hell thanks to the hot weather I was burning and I just couldn’t stand the heat while standing so I can’t enjoy the music at all, then we decided to just sitting on the grass, chilling and strolling around the venue, buy some merchandise and I bought CHVRCHES cds for my friends because they want to get the signed cd so I bought for them.
THE 1975
They started exactly at 7.05pm and I get to see them performed two songs: Love Me and Heart Out before I have to go to the MnG stall. They were amazing super super amazing. I love their stage with that classic square light which will turn either to pink, green, blue or pink. The first song was Love Me so the stage was lit with pink color which was really cool. After I finished meet and greet with CHVRCHES, I was running so fast as possible to get to the stage and they were playing Robbers which is my favorite song ever from THE 1975. I only recorded the last part of Robbers on my phone but it’s ok i guess at least I can finally hear my favorite song live. So I get to see the last three songs which are Girls, Chocolate and Sex! Yippie. I’m happy at least finally I watched them live and hopefully I will get to see them real soon.
 The stage was lit in pink!
 Why don’t you take my heart out?
 Really digging this new The 1975 pink (but kinda miss the 1975 black and white too)
Beach House
Beach house performed around at 8pm on Garden Stage. To be honest, I only know two songs from beach house which are Take Care and Myth and I get to see Myth live and they were really good! Just as same as the song.

I actually only know one song from Grimes but what I didn’t expect when saw her live was that her amazing live show! It was so powerful, energetic and full of dancing! I really enjoyed throughout her performance. One of the main highlight for Laneway Singapore is where Grimes didn’t sing at all and invite Chinese rapper and screamed, it was really cool and like woah I mean even Grimes joined to scream with the rapper haha. Such an unique show.

CHVRCHES (Meet&Greet + Show)
 As you know that CHVRCHES meet and greet was clash with THE 1975 show and I only get the first two songs and the last 4 songs to watch so the other songs I only get to hear it backstage. When I went to the MnG tent I saw a long line for people who also wants to meet CHVRCHES but luckily the winner just can cut the line so it’s more like a vip access. But one thing I noticed when I arrived at the tent was a note saying “CHVRCHES meet and greet cancelled” and I was thinking whether this is the same thing that happened when I was lining up to meet THE 1975 and they cancelled it. The staff said the artist was tired to do a meet and greet, probably because the long lines so only the winner gets to see the artist and guess what? WE WENT TO THE BACKSTAGE! 
This is actually my first experience coming to the backstage in a huge festival like this and I didn’t expect this at all so this is like my lucky day, big opportunity for me and I get to see what artists normally do before their performs. I saw GRIMES and say hi to her (can’t take a pic with her because the staffs only allowed us to take pics with the artist we chose) and I saw the singer of Beach House too! It was really cool to see how the backstage is really like. 
The manager of CHVRCHES asked which one of us who come alone all the way from Jakarta just to see them and I said ‘that would be me’ and she said ‘you really come alone?” ‘yeah i did come alone from jakarta’ haha. 
After a few mins (and I was jamming and singing while THE 1975 performs in the background) finally the band came to us, and I speak to Lauren, Iain, and Martin. I asked them sign a few things like cds and tshirt i just bought at merchandise store. Lauren Mayberry is really cute and she is just the same height as me, I told her that I love the new album and my favorite is Bury It and she said ‘Aw that’s nice’ and then we only have maximum 10 mins so we take pictures and selfies and then we’re done. It was really nice to meet them in person and they were all really nice! I hope to get to see them again soon, hopefully they will come to Indonesia or Malaysia again. Fingerscrossed!

With CHVRCHES! I’m beyond happy. Look at that big smile on me.

Lauren signing my t-shirt yay!

After GRIMES finished, I was in second row and trying to get the front row for CHVRCHES and I got the front row and I am so happy. I like to be in the front row during concert because you get to see your favorite artist closer than ever and the best thing is you don’t feel squeezed because maybe someone in the back pushed you and you get free air than people in the back (if you know what I mean). They started with Never Ending Circles and I was enjoying, dancing, singing along throughout their show and it was really really fun. Lauren is always great and she has incredible voice, great presence and CHVRCHES is just a fantastic group. Their live version is the same as in the digital song. My favorite part from their show are: Never Ending Circles, Leave A Trace, Bury it, Recover. 


 They were freaking amaaaaaaazing! Hope to see them again real soon.
CHVRCHES set list via laneway instagram

So I think that’s all, I only saw Flume for 20 mins because I have to leave asap due to the last train mrt was around 11.50pm and his show started at 11pm. It was really an amazing festival and this is my new experience as I come alone and met my internet friends for real. I really hope we can see each other again in another festival or another concert! Thank you for Laneway festival for made the meet n greet possible and I still can’t believe that I get to the backstaage and met CHVRCHES in person. Thank you!

Laneway Festival, Singapore 2016 (Part 1)

In this part one I will just talk about my day before Laneway and maybe talking about the outfits what were people wearing. I decided to go to Laneway just 2 weeks before d-day and I was like ‘Okay that’s it, I don’t want to miss out my favorite bands again (which is The 1975 and CHVRCHES). I bought the concert ticket then later on I bought the flight ticket, my first plan was actually to just take a plane on the same day as the festival but then I was thinking that I can be tired as hell and luckily I’m really happy with my choice to stay two nights in Singapore (I left on Friday afternoon). I came alone all the way from my country to Singapore (yes, you read it right I did come alone.) and then I asked on twitter to find people who also going alone to Laneway, guess what? I found like around 3-4 people that I will be meeting up at the venue and one person meet up just near my hostel. On friday, after I went to check in to my hostel (Wink Hostel) I directly went to the H&M store in Orchard to collect my wristband then just walking around Orchard and Chinatown. This is actually my second time staying at hostel and the reason I chose Wink Hostel is mainly because really close to MRT and the rating for this hostel is also good. Then later at midnight I was preparing for the festival here is my check list on what to bring and hopefully it might be useful for you guys who are about to go to the music festival!
Music Festival What To Bring List:
  • Outerwear
  • Picnic Mat
  • Rain jacket / Poncho (if the venue is in tropical country then you need it)
  • Cash
  • ID Photo/ID card
  • CAMERA (#1)
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen

I was strolling around the city with my friend who I met on twitter because she came alone in the morning and she really needs a friend and it was her first time coming to Singapore so I was like her tour guide haha but it was really fun because the last time I went to Raffles place or Merlion was like 9 years ago and I was still a kid which I just remember some part of this place and yes everything has changed because they didn’t have Marina Bay Sands or Gardens by The Bay back then so it was really nice to exploring new place. I like Singapore so much although it’s really expensive in here but I’d like to go back and forth to here maybe for another concert or festival? Hahaha but I have to see if the band performs is my favorite or not.

 Chinatown at night at Pagoda St. there are many souvenirs shops and it was really crowded at night. 
 Got my wristband for the festival yay!
 Wink Hostel, it’s a pod-hostel and I was staying in the ladies dorm room. It was really nice if you want to stay at affordable place or if you just staying at singapore for two nights like me. I would really love to stay at this hostel again! Check them out: Wink Hostel
 The first three photos were taken at Merlion place/Esplanade and you can see those tall skyline buildings in Singapore. I walked from Raffles Place MRT to Gardens by The Bay and it was not that far maybe just a bit tiring.
‘Supertree Grove’ and the view at night is waaay beautiuful and more picturesque. 
Then I finally arrived at the venue around 12pm and I met up with people who also come alone and then surprisingly we were like a group haha so it was really nice, so in the afternoon because it was really freaking hot and thanks to the weather now I get a sunburnt, we decided to just chilling around near the stage, sitting on the grass while eating and enjoying the music. I already wrote in here in the WTF post that I really love to come to music festival because I get to see people really dress up either because they want to ‘dress to impress’ or just casual dress up. So here it is I got some pics what people mostly were wearing at the festival: boho style, grunge style. My outfit is just a simple one, white lace-up top with short pants and sneakers because I know I will stay the whole day so I decided to just go simple. I think the music festival combo is: a top with a kimono outer then short jeans with a gladi shoes or maybe boots.
 This was my first time meeting up with internet friends for real and they were all really nice (we were at different age I was the second youngest one in here lol). I was really nice to know them and  hopefully we will meet in another festival or maybe Laneway next year? :p
 Just chillin and p.s I think this was around 2pm and it was really really HOT like I was sweating a lot.
 Festival Combo: top with short jeans and sandals!
 Or maybe wearing a tie-dye long skirt with a tube top? 
 Going grunge?
Boots or sneakers? Either of them is still a go-to shoes for music festivals. If your legs don’t want to get tired fast then maybe sneakers is really a good choice.